Friday, August 22, 2008
today... i super super angry... cause my cca friend, no, i should say is 死对头... guess wad, our cca, icc=infomccom club, we are in-charge a item during teacher day... and he is the overall in-charger... i fine with it... cause i never go to the course as i sick and on wed and thursday i go home after my recess... thank for simin, send her snail virus to miie... anyway, i nothing to say and unhappy than he in-charge but i was angry that he call all the boys to help him... wtf... wad make him think that boys are better than girls, i can prove that he is wrong, i cannot blame anyone as i did not in-charge of it... but i just dun understand, what make he think that girls is CMI? luckily, our cca teacher, mr tan doesn't want it, he put miie inside and help out... i told my friends, and some of my friends reply miie, maybe he doesn't wan girls get tired... i tell u... this all is bullshit... hello, if he doesn't wan girl to get tired... during the ICC camp, he is the camp-chief and yet he did nothing... ohh.. he did something that is he eating, sleeping and play computer... and he dare to push everything, everything to miie.. u noe when i ask him to do, guess wad he replied miie, he replied... sorry all this thing is small people do and i shot back him... than wad about other people... he said wad he is treausurer... he keep all the money, if we ask him to do, later he unhappy, he will ran away with our money... wtf and yet he push all the thing to miie, fine... i have nothing to say... during the last day, he dare to scold the member in front all the teacher... yet he dun dare to do so during the camp... wad he thinking about, idk... but i can sure that... he wan all the teacher noe that he suit to be icc head than other.... bullshit... since he is a big people, he better prove miie he is better than anyone in our club... i noe i may not be as good as other... cause i dun think i can be the head... i rather other be head than him... if he is the head in my club... i rather dun be the committe member... cause i dun wan to work under him....
Love hurt me @
5:41 PM

simin, doing work or drawing, idk

wan qi keep using adrian's handphone and
take simin photo...

zhengwei... he alway say... talk to my hands.. hahas

henderson, the other one, should be junliang

hahas... they found out i taking photo

henderson and junliang
on 6/08/2008... before we change a new timetable, this wednesday is the most boring day ever, cause we have 3 maths lesson...
before maths lesson, if i not wrong is english lesson... on that day, our english teacher never come and henderson is sick, so some of the boys sleep on the mat which located behind the classroom..
but dun worry, is free period for us...
Love hurt me @
5:27 PM

my sister... beautiful rite?
hahas.... since 4 aug till now, i have not updates single entry, if i dun blog now, sure got people say my blog die... anyway, let miie show u some picture, on 3/8/2008 my sis change handphone with miie, let miie show ur her pic
she very beautiful rite, many of my friend, after seeing her, they said we are doesn't look alike, same goes to her friends, they also said we not alike...
anyway, she is a good sister, sometime i felt that i'm very forture to have her as my sister... eventhought we qurrel all time, just a tiny little thing, we will qurrel... but she indeed a good sister, eventhought she always scold miie or qurrel with miie, but i noe she do care miie... she very pretty and she also care miie alot... my birthday, she even buy miie a school bag as my present, i like that school bag so much.. as it was the present given by her...
Love hurt me @
5:15 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
today.... from my friend 分析to miie about him and miie, i realise something... i found out that maybe in the first place i never like him before.... these few days i onli cry at my maths lesson and i did not even miss him at all... only some of the fun we had in the past... till today, if ppl called his name again, i think i will not cry anymore... to miie, he might be a passerby... i did not miss he at my home... maybe i cried is just like a little chlid, when they can't get the thing, they will cry.... maybe i put in a lot on effort inside, i also wan he to pay back the some amount i put him... plus maybe, my classmates keep saying about us and make miie felt that i like him...but in fact it now a like is just a 习惯le... but now, i dunno what did i miss and why i must be so insist on him... well, i totally understand my feeling now... so i won't insist in him so much... goodbye
Love hurt me @
4:36 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
so sad... dunno why, i keep crying at my maths class... today, jun liang and henderson out of sudden say out his name... to them maybe nothing but to miie is not, ican't stop thinking about him... today at every lesson i keep thinking about him, and i have to hold the tear in my eyes... is very difficult... wow, i just wish that i can forget him faster if not i will keep thinking that we might have chance together... but i know... is impossible le... is too late.. i'm so tired.. anyway.. thx zhengwei, cause he knew i sad and before abroad the bus, he ask zhi feng and anothony dun mention his name... thx.. i just hope thing will back to normal... i just wanted to ask him... have he ever like miie? maybe the answer is NO... but i won't thik so much anymore...
Love hurt me @
2:25 PM