Thursday, July 31, 2008
Love hurt me @
6:09 PM
today, i finally give up... give up two and a half year of feeling... after knowing wad he said to melvin... i cried... cried in my maths class... i know that, is not worth it... but i just can't stop myself for crying... 2 and a half years... i know even now i cry, he won't care, cause i'm not the girl he like... but if he dun like miie, can he stop caring miie... he caring to miie is hurting miie... just leave miie alone... i dun need his care... i not the type of girl that cannot take care myself... so if he also give up miie.. stop showing himself in front of miie... he do that onli let miie can't give up... i hate his kind of attitude... stop comig in front of miie... i dun need it... this is the last and only one time i will cry for him... from now on... i won't care about him and won't think about him... good bye... the people i like for 2 and a half year....
Love hurt me @
5:15 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
well, from my class guy there, i noe that him doesn't like miie anymore... well... maybe this decision cannot be undo... so the only thing i can do from him and stop getting hrt is to give up on him... maybe i will felt pain, maybe i will cry ut if i dun give up the feeling toward him, i will suffer a lot.... i rather now give up better than waiting for an answer that he won't be giving miie... i'm too tired... i really dunno wad he thinking about... anyone, can tell miie wad he is he thinking about? to him, am i a person who he can give up so easy? maybe it is... well, now i does not have the courage to talk to him neither i have the courage to face him... maybe one day i have the courage back... and i can face him and talk to him... the only thing i could said is sorry.. last year i thought is the class make fun of us and they use ur phone to send msg to miie.. if i noe the person is you, i will said.. i will be with you... the msg and the happy memories will alway sta with miie forever... now i regret but i can only give up u... i dun wan to be ur anything... not even friend... cause i does ot have the courage to face u... so stop caring about miie... stop ur every action towards miie... cause if u dun do that, i difficult for miie to give up... i noe it difficult to give up 2 and a half years feeling... but i will try...
Love hurt me @
6:00 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

nerdy adrian...
today adrian become nerdy... so funny... it make miie remember at setosa, jun liang 70's years hairstyle... and let miie remember i nearly drown at setosa...
well, today adrian told miie that shawn might still like miie... cos shawn told adrian that he is my GA... in fact i hope he will say in front of miie... i won't wanna be the last person to know his feeling... i dun wan to know his feeling from other people... i wan to be the first person to know... i wan be the first person know what his thinking... why can't he face to face telling miie his feeling? if he face to face told miie his feeling, i will tell him, i like him... i never stop liking him from the past two years... i try to forget him even my friends told miie to forget him, i tried.. but i noe i can lie to everybody that i already forget him... but i could not lie to myself.. i noe better than anyone else, i still like him... from the day i noe that i like him till now... i really hope that he do care miie and tell miie, his feeling.. cause i still like him and wanna to know his feeling...
i dun wan to get hurt again... does he know that he did not tell miie his feeling is a great hurt to miie....
i dun wan his protect.. i dun wan he alway tried to protect miie just to stop the rumous between both of us... i dun wan... i just wan to know his feeling, i just wan to be with him... eventhough i like freedom... but i can tried my best... eventhough i noe he like freedom too... but i will give up my freedom just to be with him... i still like him... does he noe that, does he still like miie? i wan to know the answer... can anyone or he told miie the answer i wan?
Love hurt me @
6:02 PM

ying teng: say no evil
belinda: see no evil
amos and zhengwei half head... hahas
henderson and adrian
simin and miie... hahas i nod i look white and pale... really look like ghost, so dun need to tags and say i look like ghost...
jia ying, ying teng and belinda...
today is our kayating day... we had so much fun on the school bus.... we are so addicted in taking pic... here are so pic
we have so much fun for the past two days.... thank a lot to KH... i learn a lot of thing from him...
thing that i won't be able to learn in my life... thank to ur school... they give us to chance to learn star 1 kayat... next year, i will continued my star 2 kayat...
Love hurt me @
5:49 PM

from MRT view... i like it so much

handy road... what a weird name
a church... this church looks beautiful
forgot which place is this...

si min go crazy... ask miie to take the pic of the road sign
after school, si min, wan qi and me, we need to go doby gourt and buy the item for the CIP at bukit batok home for age... we meet the YMCA cheryl at the plaza singapura... wow it was so far from my school.. we spend 53min in MRT just to go to doby gourt...
anyway here are some pic
Love hurt me @
5:24 PM

adrian playing with the boom...

si min also take their pictures, jun liang found out and start to attack her..

jun liang and adrian... actually i wanna 偷偷拍的... but kanna jun liang 发现...
wow... today i realise that i did not updates my blog... anyway let miie updates last friday thing first...
today morning... our class guy, they playing around... it look like they are bullying henderson...
here are some pic
Love hurt me @
5:08 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008

during maths class, i ask simin accompany go toilet and we go take picture... hahas

jun liang go and disturb and make the ballon fly... Zzzz

four ballon combine together!!

i forgot who holding this ballon, but isn't this ballon look like 雪人?

this is when i take the picture before our VE teacher come in...
simin with the ballon..
hahas... actually nothing to post... but today in class, we guys keep playing with the ballon... hahas... when we were young, we did not play, finding back our 童年... anyway here are some of the photo
Labels: smiles
Love hurt me @
6:32 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
why?why she keep 针对我?我都不想把事情搞大!!why she keep finding my trouble?i just wanna be friend to her, since she does not wan to cherish this friendship she dun keep finding my trouble... even my mum also think that i wrong... what make my mum think that i was wrong in the first place? i not the one who tell my teacher about it.. why am i the one who kanna scold? izzit that i so hard to let people know me? i didn't intend to make thing worst and yet my payback is untrusted... i the first place who wrong? she dun expect me, i'm fine... just stop thinking that i steal your friend, friend can't be taking away from you, is just the matter that did you treat them well, if every of your friend left you and come to me, izzit my fault, no is you, is your fault causing it... i'm so tired about all this matter.. please don't make until people thought that i'm a 狐狸精。。。
Labels: sad
Love hurt me @
6:31 PM